The calendar below features upcoming Arts Commission deadlines, events, information sessions and workshop opportunities. Times, dates and event details may be subject to change. For more information, please email


Introduction to Creative Aging: Tucson
Jan 26 @ 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm

In January 2024, the Arizona Commission on the Arts will kick off its Sustaining Creative Aging in Southern Arizona initiative with a series of free introductory training sessions for aging or healthcare service organization staff, caregivers, volunteers, teaching artists, and arts organization administrators!

These sessions are offered free of charge, but registration is required. Click below to reserve your spot!


Deadline: Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant
Apr 4 @ 11:59 am – 11:59 am

The application period for FY2025 Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants is now closed.

Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants support projects that foster meaningful arts learning experiences for adult learners of any age and/or intergenerational projects in community settings.

What does it fund?

Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants support projects that…

  • focus on learners across the aging spectrum,
  • occur in accessible community spaces, and
  • center arts learning practices.

Such projects should also…

  • provide opportunities for creative expression in safe and nurturing environments, and
  • utilize the assets of the community being served.

Projects may take place in…

  • arts venues,
  • community or senior centers,
  • residential facilities, and
  • other settings that serve adult learners of any age and/or intergenerational projects.

Download/Print the Grant Guidelines

Descarga los Lineamientos

Arts learning projects feature sequential, hands-on learning through the arts to develop artistic skills, processes and creativity. Artistic and/or cultural discipline(s) may include, but are not limited to dance, literary arts, media arts, music, theatre, traditional and folk arts, and visual arts. Arts learning projects include specific objectives, outcomes and methods of evaluation that are well defined and relevant for the learners involved.

Award Amount

Organizations can request $2,500 to $5,000.

There is no cash match required for this grant opportunity.

Eligible applicants for Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants include:

  • Arizona nonprofit organizations* with tax-exempt status
  • units of government

See FAQ #1 in the FAQ section below for more information on eligible organizations.

*An unincorporated organization without tax-exempt status, may apply with a nonprofit fiscal sponsor.

Application Limits

An organization may submit only one application per fiscal year.

Across grant programs, the Arts Commission limits the number of applications that may be submitted by a given organization or unit of government to one (1) application per funding period (July 1 – June 30 of the following year). While an organization or unit of government may be eligible for more than one grant program, they may only apply for one of them in a given funding period. (See FAQ #6 below for more information)

Additional Considerations for Teaching Artist

Individual teaching artists or arts organizations may be listed as partners on a maximum of three (3) funded arts learning grant applications (both Lifelong Arts Engagement and Youth Arts Engagement) in a given fiscal year. If the number of applications on which a given individual teaching artist or arts organization is listed as a partner exceeds the total number that may be funded for that fiscal year, they will be asked to advise the Arts Commission on which application(s) will be withdrawn from consideration. The Arts Commission requests that prospective applicants consider this restriction before applying.

Teaching artists are encouraged to seek out partnerships with eligible organizations or units of government. The entity you partner with will then serve as the direct applicant. When building a partnership with an organization, , or unit of government, make sure they are not applying to the Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant for a different project or to another grant program through the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

Grant funds may be used for any of the following (this list is not comprehensive):

  • artist, consultant, and other fees
  • administrative costs related to the project
  • materials or supplies
  • in-state travel costs technology
  • documentation
  • evaluation

Grant funds cannot be used for any projects, or days of a project, that take place before the start of the fiscal year (July 1, 2024). If your full project timeline starts before or ends after the funding period, you are still eligible to apply and should articulate the full timeline in your application, but should only request and use grant funds for project activities taking place within the funding period.

Funds are delivered approximately 6-8 weeks after all necessary paperwork has been submitted by the grantee. This includes the award agreement, state W-9 and payment form.

Applicants are encouraged to do the following prior to beginning their application:

Request Accommodations

If you require accommodation in completing the application, or otherwise participating in the grant application process, please contact the Director of Arts Learning, Elisa Radcliffe, by phone at (602) 771-6528 or by email at

Prepare Narrative Responses

You can type your proposal narrative or you can upload audio recordings of your responses. For each narrative question you will find a maximum word count (not character) and a maximum recording length. If you share your proposal narrative via audio recordings, keep it simple and to the point. Don’t worry about impressing the panelists with your recording technique, just make sure we can hear and understand you. All audio files must be uploaded as MP3 files (.mp3).

Some applicants find it helpful to develop their responses using word processing software, outside the application platform. This allows them to draft responses with team members and monitor their word counts for each question. A Word document version of the narrative questions can be downloaded at

Create or Update the SurveyMonkey Apply Account for Your Organization

You will submit your application through an online submission platform called SurveyMonkey Apply. Prior to applying, all new applicants will need to register their organization at

If your organization already has an account, we encourage you to confirm that all information is up to date and add/remove any team members as needed.

For instructions on how to create or update your account, visit our applicant resources page:

When you’re ready, click/tap the “Apply Now” button below. You do not have to complete the application in one session; at any point you can save a draft of your application and complete or submit it later.


Organization Information

Organization/School information collected in this section of the application is used solely for internal and reporting purposes and will not be considered during the application review.

Organization Name

Organization Mission Statement

Secondary Point of Contact

Authorizing Official

IRS Letter of Determination (if applicable).

Fiscal Sponsor Letter of Agreement (if applicable).


Project Title (10 word limit)

Project Summary (75 word limit)

Provide a brief snapshot of your project.

Proposed Start and End Date of Project

Partner Organizations (if applicable)

Please list any organizations that are collaborating on this project.


Project Overview (300 word limit, 3 minute audio limit)

Provide a detailed description of your proposed arts learning project. This overview should help panelists understand the general outline for your proposed arts learning project. Focus on the who, what, where, and when of your proposed project. Include details of the arts learning project including what types of artistic disciplines will be at the center of the project, how long the program will be, how often the community of learners will meet and how long each class will be (e.g., The community of learners will meet weekly for eight weeks for 2 hours per week).

Community of Learners (300 word limit, 3 minute audio limit)

What specific population(s) of learners are central to this project? Describe their assets and what they bring to the project. (Review FAQ #2 “What is asset-based vs. deficit-based language?” for more information on definitions and best practices.)

If your project requires a process of selection (i.e., an audition or application) and/or a cost to participate, how are you ensuring all learners can participate? Describe how the project is supporting all who are interested in participating. (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

Integrity of Project (300 word limit, 3 minute audio limit)

How will the work you propose reflect or respond to this community of learners? How does the community of learners have a voice and agency in the development and implementation of the project?

Project Team (300 word limit, 3 minute audio limit)

Who on your team, including teaching artists and/or partners, will lead this work? Describe their assets, qualifications, and what they bring to the project. Why are they a strong fit for the project and community of learners involved?

Project Learning Outcomes (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

List three arts learning outcomes this project will achieve. Outcomes should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. If this is an ongoing project, describe how the project will build on or responds to previously conducted work.

Project Evaluation (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

What method(s) will you use to evaluate how well the project achieved these outcomes? If there is previous evaluation work that has informed the proposed project, please share those results here.

Project Setting (150 word limit, 2 minute /audio limit)

Where is the work taking place? Describe how this location is accessible to the community of learners and why it is important to the proposed project.

Project Timeline Table

Use the table provided to create a detailed timeline for the activities that will occur within the proposed start and end date of the project. Activities can include planning the project, proposed project activities, and any evaluation or assessment.

Your timeline should convey a sense of the project’s arc from beginning to end. Note: while grant funds cannot be used for any project activities that take place outside the funding period, please articulate the full project timeline here.

Project Timeline Narrative (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

The Project Timeline Narrative should correspond with and provide context for the Project Timeline Table. Be as specific as possible about how often and how long project activities will take place, along with proposed dates. Explain how your timeline will provide enough time to foster learning amongst the learners.

Project budget

Grant Amount Requested

Enter the grant amount you are requesting for this project. Schools/organizations can request $2,500 to $5,000.

Project Expenses Table

In the first column, list all expenses related to the project.

In the second column, provide a short explanation of the expense.

In the third column, note what type of funding will cover the expense (LAE Grant, Other Grant Funds, Tax Credit, Cash, In-Kind, etc.).

In the fourth column, provide the monetary amount of each expense.

  • Please list only expenses related to your project. A full organizational budget is not needed.
  • Lifelong Arts Engagement grant funds can only be used for project activities taking place in the funding period (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025).

Additionally, please thoroughly review the funding restrictions listed on page 8 of these guidelines.

Project Expenses Narrative (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

The Project Expenses Narrative should align with the Project Expenses Table. Be as specific as possible about the eligible expenses the Lifelong Arts Engagement grant would cover. This is your opportunity to bring your project’s expenses to life, as if you were explaining them to the grant review panel.

Other things to consider:

  • If your total project expenses exceed the grant amount requested, explain the additional funding sources you noted in the third column of the table.
  • If your project requires a cost to participate, explain how those fees will be used.
  • If your project starts before and/or ends after the funding period, explain how those expenses will be covered.

Your organization’s application materials will be reviewed by an independent panel according to the following criteria. Please note: need is not a criterion. Application merit is based upon strength of response in relation to the review criteria.

Quality of Proposed Project
Application demonstrates a strong arts learning project.

What panelists will be thinking about: Does the application clearly outline the important details of the arts learning project?

Integrity of Proposed Project
Application demonstrates an asset-based premise that centers the voice of the learners.

What panelists will be thinking about: Does the application articulate the specific assets and contributions of the community of learners and collaborators involved? Does the application articulate how the proposed project reflects or responds to the community of learners involved? Does the community of learners have a voice and agency in the development and implementation of the project?

Potential Impact
Application centers expected benefit to learners.

What panelists will be thinking about: Are the objectives, outcomes, and methods of evaluation well defined and relevant for the learners involved?

Application demonstrates a strong project plan and appropriateness of budget.

What panelists will be thinking about: Does the application demonstrate substantial evidence that the proposal will be realized within the proposed project timeline? Do the expenses described appear appropriate to the proposed project?

All applications are subject to a public review process. First, Arts Commission staff review each application for completeness and eligibility. Applications that are incomplete or submitted after the due date are considered ineligible for panel review and funding.

Eligible applications are then evaluated by independent review panels made up of arts learning specialists from communities throughout the state. They evaluate each application on its own merits and solely on the basis of the published evaluation criteria.

Panelists first review applications individually. They then meet as a body to discuss the applications and finalize assessment as a group. This meeting is open to the public and while applicants are not permitted to participate in the discussion, they are encouraged to attend or listen-in online. Applicants being reviewed will be notified when panel dates are set. At the conclusion of their deliberations, the panel submits their funding recommendations to the Arts Commission’s Governor-appointed board of commissioners for approval.

This program does not fund the following:

  • Projects that take place during traditional school hours and seek to supplant arts programs, curriculum, or arts educators.
  • Strictly field trip or performance-based activities. (See FAQ #3 on page 9 for more information)
  • Producing organizations to tour or present themselves.
  • Support for individual professional development activities.
  • Support for projects which would otherwise be eligible for a Festival Grant.
  • Funding for insurance.
  • Food and beverages for any purpose.
  • Fundraising projects.
  • Awards and competitions.
  • Indirect costs.
  • Organizations and schools that received Arts Commission funding in Fiscal Year 2024, but failed to file a final report.
  • Applications submitted by for-profit organizations.
  • An individual may not apply to the Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant directly or as an individual with fiscal sponsorship.
  • Grant administration, overhead or processing fees taken by an umbrella/parent organization as a percentage of the total award, with the exception of fiscal sponsors.
  • Religious institution-led or religious group-sponsored projects not open to participation by non- congregants.
  • Religious institution-led or religious group-sponsored projects whose primary purpose is the religious socialization of individuals or which exist as parts of religious sermons or services.

This list is not comprehensive.

Additionally, according to the Arts Commission’s enabling statutes, “Notwithstanding any other law, no monies from the Arizona Commission on the Arts may be spent for payment to any person or entity for use in desecrating, casting contempt on, mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, trampling or otherwise dishonoring or causing to bring dishonor on religious objects, the flag of the United States or the flag of this state.” Recipients of Arts Commission support are further instructed to “take into consideration general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public” within funded programs.

  1. What types of organizations can apply for Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants?
    Eligible organizations include: adult day centers, assisted living facilities, arts and cultural organizations, community-based service organizations, libraries, neighborhood centers, parks and recreation departments, retirement communities, rehabilitation centers, social service organizations, university/college departments and more. An organization without tax-exempt status, may apply with a nonprofit fiscal sponsor.
  2. What is asset-based vs. deficit-based language? How can we address inequalities in our narrative?
    Asset-based language focuses on the unique attributes the participants bring to the project (passionate, capable, thriving) as opposed to deficit-based language that define people and places by perceived insufficiencies (like at risk, lacking, marginalized, underserved). Deficit-based language reinforces negative stereotypes and is not conducive to the type of arts learning this grant program seeks to support. It also contributes to a dynamic where learners are not seen as partners, but as objects of charity. If you’re talking about a problem, use language that reflects that systematic disparities and community wide problems in fact have systemic causes, that these are not self-caused problems, and explicitly describe those systems whenever possible.
  3. Are field trips or strictly performance-based projects eligible for this grant?
    No. While a field trip or culminating performance may be a part of the project, it should not be the primary focus. This grant supports programs that seek to activate participant voices, narratives, and perspectives. It is important to articulate how a community of learners has a voice and agency in the development and implementation of the project. This grant values active participation over exposure or passive engagement.
  4. Can my organization apply for a Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant and a Youth Arts Engagement Grant?
    No. Though an organization may be eligible for more than one arts learning grant program, the Arts Commission limits the number of applications which may be submitted by an applicant to one arts learning grant program within the same funding period. An applicant who applies to the Youth Arts Engagement Grant program in Fiscal Year 2024 may not apply for a Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant that same year.
  5. I’m an arts organization, am I eligible to apply directly and serve as a partner in another project?
    Yes. As outlined above, as a direct applicant an arts organization may only receive one Lifelong Arts Engagement grant per fiscal year. Those arts organization may still serve as a partner in a different project, but all applications, including the one submitted directly, count toward the total partner limit of 3 arts learning applications (both Lifelong Arts Engagement and Youth Arts Engagement) per fiscal year. This is to address the competitive nature of this grant program.
  6. My organization is eligible for other Arts Commission grants. Can I apply to those?
    No. Across grant programs, the Arts Commission limits the number of applications that may be submitted by a given organization or unit of government to one (1) application per funding period (July 1 – June 30 of the following year). While an organization or unit of government may be eligible for more than one grant program, they may only apply for one of them in a given funding period. As an example, an applicant who applies to the Creative Capacity Grant program or the Festivals Grant program in Fiscal Year 2024 may not apply for a Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant that same year.

Applicant Resources

Leading up to the application due date, the Arizona Commission on the Arts will present webinar-style information sessions and workshops to help prospective applicants in preparing competitive applications.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

A recordings of this session available below.

The following videos walk applicants through the key components of the applications for both Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants and Youth Arts Engagement Grants.

Applicant Guide: Narrative

Applicant Guide: Project Timeline

Applicant Guide: Project Budget

Applicant Guide: Review Process and Evaluation Criteria

How do I register on behalf of an organization?

  1. Go to
  2. Click the “Register” button at the upper-right corner of the window. (If you are using a mobile device, tap the “Sign Up” button.)
  3. Choose the option to “Register as an Organization”
  4. Enter your name, email address, and a password. (The person who registers the organization in SMApply becomes the organization’s first “member” and the administrator of the organization’s account. Additional members may be added later and/or made an account administrator.)
  5. Click/tap the “Create Account” button
  6. Enter the requested information about your Organization, such as the organization’s name, mailing address, and general contact information.

Video Walkthrough

How do I add members to my Organization?

Once you have created your organization you can add additional members to assist with applications and account maintenance.

  1. Go to
  2. Login as an organization administrator
  3. Click “Manage Organization” in the top right corner
  4. Click “Members”
  5. Click the “Add Member” button
  6. Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the member
  7. Select whether the member will have Administrative or Non-Administrative Access
  8. Click the box to “Notify member by email” (This is useful if the user does not already have an account in the system as they will receive an invitation email and be able to create a password to log in.)
  9. Click “Add”

For instructions on adding members in bulk, click here.

How do I update my Organization’s Profile?

  1. Go to
  2. Login as an organization administrator
  3. Click on “Manage Organization” in the top right corner
  4. Click “Profile”
  5. Update your profile information
  6. Click “Save”

Additional Guides

SurveyMonkey Apply provides a comprehensive FAQ for applicants; in addition to the “how tos” above you can find more information and resources on accounts, completing an application, and managing your organization at

Deadline: Youth Arts Engagement Grant
Apr 4 @ 11:59 am – 11:59 am

The application period for FY2025 Youth Arts Engagement Grants is now closed.

Youth Arts Engagement Grants support arts learning projects for young people that occur outside of traditional school hours.

What does it fund?

Youth Arts Engagement Grants support projects that…

  • focus on young people, ages 24 and under,
  • occur outside of traditional school hours (before/after school and/or during school holidays/breaks), and
  • center arts learning practices.

Such projects should also…

  • provide opportunities for creative expression in safe and nurturing environments,
  • honor youth voices, narratives, and perspectives, and
  • utilize the assets of the community being served.

Projects may take place in…

  • arts venues,
  • community centers,
  • school sites, and
  • other youth-oriented settings.

Arts learning projects feature sequential, hands-on learning through the arts to develop artistic skills, processes and creativity. Artistic and/or cultural discipline(s) may include, but are not limited to dance, literary arts, media arts, music, theatre, traditional and folk arts, and visual arts. Arts learning projects include specific objectives, outcomes and methods of evaluation that are well defined and relevant for the learners involved.

Award Amount

Organizations can request $2,500 to $5,000.

There is no cash match required for this grant opportunity.

Eligible applicants for Youth Arts Engagement Grants include:

  • Arizona nonprofit organizations* with tax-exempt status
  • schools/school districts
  • units of government

See FAQ #1 in the FAQ section below for more information on eligible organizations.

*An unincorporated organization without tax-exempt status may apply through a nonprofit fiscal sponsor.

Application Limits

An organization may submit only one application per fiscal year.

Across grant programs, the Arts Commission limits the number of applications that may be submitted by a given organization or unit of government to one (1) application per funding period (July 1 – June 30 of the following year). While an organization or unit of government may be eligible for more than one grant program, they may only apply for one of them in a given funding period. (See FAQ #8 below for more information.)

Additional Considerations for Teaching Artist

Individual teaching artists or arts organizations may be listed as partners on a maximum of three (3) funded arts learning grant applications (both Lifelong Arts Engagement and Youth Arts Engagement) in a given fiscal year. If the number of applications on which a given individual teaching artist or arts organization is listed as a partner in a single funding cycle exceeds the total number that may be funded for that fiscal year, they will be asked to advise the Arts Commission on which application(s) will be withdrawn from consideration. The Arts Commission requests that prospective applicants consider this restriction before applying.

Teaching artists are encouraged to seek out partnerships with eligible organizations, schools, or units of government. The entity you partner with will then serve as the direct applicant. When building a partnership with an organization, school, or unit of government, make sure they are not applying to the Youth Arts Engagement Grant for a different project or to another grant program through the Arizona Commission on the Arts.

Grant funds may be used for any of the following (this list is not comprehensive):

  • artist, consultant, and other fees
  • administrative costs related to the project
  • materials or supplies
  • in-state travel costs technology
  • documentation
  • evaluation

Grant funds cannot be used for any projects, or days of a project, that take place before the start date of the fiscal year (July 1, 2024). If your full project timeline starts before or ends after the funding period, you are still eligible to apply and should articulate the full timeline in your application, but should only request and use grant funds for project activities taking place within the funding period.

Funds are delivered approximately 6-8 weeks after all necessary paperwork has been submitted by the grantee. This includes the award agreement, state W-9 and payment form.

Applicants are encouraged to do the following prior to beginning their application:

Request Accommodations

If you require accommodation in completing the application, or otherwise participating in the grant application process, please contact the Director of Arts Learning, Elisa Radcliffe, by phone at (602) 771-6528 or by email at

Prepare Narrative Responses

You can type your proposal narrative or you can upload audio recordings of your responses. For each narrative question you will find a maximum word count (not character) and a maximum recording length. If you share your proposal narrative via audio recordings, keep it simple and to the point. Don’t worry about impressing the panelists with your recording technique, just make sure we can hear and understand you. All audio files must be uploaded as MP3 files (.mp3).

Some applicants find it helpful to develop their responses using word processing software, outside the application platform. This allows them to draft responses with team members and monitor their word counts for each question. A Word document version of the narrative questions can be downloaded here.

Create or Update the SurveyMonkey Apply Account for Your Organization

You will submit your application through an online submission platform called SurveyMonkey Apply. Prior to applying, all new applicants will need to register their organization at

If your organization already has an account, we encourage you to confirm that all information is up to date and add/remove any team members as needed.

For instructions on how to create or update your account, visit our applicant resources page:

When you’re ready, click/tap the “Apply Now” button below. You do not have to complete the application in one session; at any point you can save a draft of your application and complete or submit it later.


Organization/School Information

  • Organization/School information collected in this section of the application is used solely for internal and reporting purposes and will not be considered during the application review.
  • Organization/School Name
  • Organization/School Mission Statement
  • Secondary Point of Contact
  • Authorizing Official
  • IRS Letter of Determination (if applicable).
  • Fiscal Sponsor Letter of Agreement (if applicable).

Project Information

  • Project Title (10 word limit)
  • Project Summary (75 word limit)
    Provide a brief snapshot of your project.
  • Proposed Start and End Date of Project
  • Partner Organizations (if applicable)
    Please list any organizations that are collaborating on this project.


Project Overview (300 word limit, 3 minute audio limit)

Provide a detailed description of your proposed arts learning project. This overview should help panelists understand the general outline for your proposed arts learning project. Focus on the who, what, where, and when of your proposed project. Include details of the arts learning project including what types of artistic disciplines will be at the center of the project, how long the program will be, how often the community of learners will meet and how long each class will be (e.g., The community of learners will meet weekly for eight weeks for 2 hours per week).

Community of Learners (300 word limit, 3 minute audio limit)

What specific population(s) of learners are central to this project? Describe their assets and what they bring to the project. (Review FAQ #2 on page 9, “What is asset-based vs. deficit-based language?,” for more information on definitions and best practices.)

If your project requires a process of selection (i.e., an audition or application) and/or a cost to participate, how are you ensuring all learners can participate? Describe how the project is supporting all who are interested in participating. (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

Integrity of Project (300 word limit, 3 minute audio limit)

How will the work you propose reflect or respond to this community of learners? How does the community of learners have a voice and agency in the development and implementation of the project?

Project Team (300 word limit, 3 minute audio limit)

Who on your team, including teaching artists and/or partners, will lead this work? Describe their assets, qualifications, and what they bring to the project. Why are they a strong fit for the project and community of learners involved?

Project Learning Outcomes (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

List three arts learning outcomes this project will achieve. Outcomes should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. If this is an ongoing project, describe how the project will build on or responds to previously conducted work.

Project Evaluation (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

What method(s) will you use to evaluate how well the project achieved these outcomes? If there is previous evaluation work that has informed the proposed project, please share those results here.

Project Setting (150 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

Where is the work taking place? Describe how this location is accessible to the community of learners and why it is important to the proposed project.

Project Timeline Table

Use the table provided to create a detailed timeline for the activities that will occur within the proposed start and end date of the project. Activities can include planning the project, proposed project activities, and any evaluation or assessment.

Your timeline should convey a sense of the project’s arc, from its beginning to its end.

Note: while grant funds cannot be used for any project activities that take place outside the funding period, please articulate the full project timeline here.

Project Timeline Narrative (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

The Project Timeline Narrative should correspond with and provide context for the Project Timeline Table. Be as specific as possible about how often and how long project activities will take place, along with proposed dates. Explain how your timeline will provide enough time to foster learning amongst the learners.

Project Budget

Grant Amount Requested

Enter the grant amount you are requesting for this project. Schools/organizations can request $2,500 to $5,000.

Project Expenses Table

In the first column, list all expenses related to the project.

In the second column, provide a short explanation of the expense.

In the third column, note what type of funding will cover the expense (YAE Grant, Other Grant Funds, Tax Credit, Cash, In-Kind, etc.).

In the fourth column, provide the monetary amount of each expense.

Please list only expenses related to your project. A full organizational budget is not needed.

Youth Arts Engagement grant funds can only be used for project activities taking place in the funding period (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024).

Additionally, please thoroughly review the funding restrictions listed on page 8 of these guidelines.

Project Expenses Narrative (200 word limit, 2 minute audio limit)

The Project Expenses Narrative should align with the Project Expenses Table. Be as specific as possible about the eligible expenses the Youth Arts Engagement grant would cover. This is your opportunity to bring your project’s expenses to life, as if you were explaining them to the grant review panel.
Other things to consider:

  • If your total project expenses exceed the grant amount requested, explain the additional funding sources you noted in the third column of the table.
  • If your project requires a cost to participate, explain how those fees will be used.
  • If your project starts before and/or ends after the funding period, explain how those expenses will be covered.

Your organization’s application materials will be reviewed by an independent panel according to the following criteria. Please note: need is not a criterion. Application merit is based upon strength of response in relation to the review criteria.

Quality of Proposed Project

Application demonstrates a strong arts learning project.

What panelists will be thinking about: Does the application clearly outline the important details of the arts learning project?

Integrity of Proposed Project

Application demonstrates an asset-based premise that centers the voice of the learners.

What panelists will be thinking about: Does the application articulate the specific assets and contributions of the community of learners and collaborators involved? Does the application articulate how the proposed project reflects or responds to the community of learners involved? Does the community of learners have a voice and agency in the development and implementation of the project?

Potential Impact

Application centers expected benefit to learners.

What panelists will be thinking about: Are the objectives, outcomes, and methods of evaluation well defined? Are they relevant for the learners involved?


Application demonstrates a strong project plan and appropriateness of budget.

What panelists will be thinking about: Does the application demonstrate substantial evidence that the proposal will be realized within the proposed project timeline? Do the expenses described appear appropriate to the proposed project?

All applications are subject to a public review process. First, Arts Commission staff review each application for completeness and eligibility. Applications that are incomplete or submitted after the due date are considered ineligible for panel review and funding.

Eligible applications are then evaluated by independent review panels made up of arts learning specialists from communities throughout the state. They evaluate each application on its own merits and solely on the basis of the published evaluation criteria.

Panelists first review applications individually. They then meet as a body to discuss the applications and finalize assessment as a group. This meeting is open to the public and while applicants are not permitted to participate in the discussion, they are encouraged to attend or listen-in online. Applicants being reviewed will be notified when panel dates are set. At the conclusion of their deliberations, the panel submits their funding recommendations to the Arts Commission’s Governor-appointed board of commissioners for approval.

This program does not fund the following:

  • Projects that take place during traditional school hours and seek to supplant arts programs, curriculum or arts educators.
  • Strictly field trip or performance-based activities. (See FAQ #3 on page 9 for more information)
  • Producing organizations to tour or present themselves.
  • Support for individual professional development activities.
  • Support for projects which would otherwise be eligible for a Festival Grant.
  • Funding for insurance.
  • Food and beverages for any purpose.
  • Fundraising projects.
  • Awards and competitions.
  • Indirect costs.
  • Organizations and schools that received Arts Commission funding in Fiscal Year 2024, but failed to file a final report.
  • Applications submitted by for-profit organizations.
  • An individual may not apply to the Youth Arts Engagement Grant directly or as an individual with fiscal sponsorship.
  • Grant administration, overhead or processing fees taken by an umbrella/parent organization as a percentage of the total award, with the exception of fiscal sponsors.
  • Religious institution-led or religious group-sponsored projects not open to participation by non- congregants.
  • Religious institution-led or religious group-sponsored projects whose primary purpose is the religious socialization of individuals or which exist as parts of religious sermons or services.

This list is not comprehensive.

Additionally, according to the Arts Commission’s enabling statutes, “Notwithstanding any other law, no monies from the Arizona Commission on the Arts may be spent for payment to any person or entity for use in desecrating, casting contempt on, mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, trampling or otherwise dishonoring or causing to bring dishonor on religious objects, the flag of the United States or the flag of this state.” Recipients of Arts Commission support are further instructed to “take into consideration general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public” within funded programs.

  1. What types of organizations can apply for Youth Arts Engagement Grants?
    Eligible organizations include arts and cultural organizations, community-based service organizations, libraries, neighborhood centers, parks and recreation departments, social service organizations, university/ college departments, PreK-12 schools or school districts who serve youth 24 and under outside of traditional school hours.
    An organization without tax-exempt status, may apply through a nonprofit fiscal sponsor.
  2. What is asset-based vs. deficit-based language? How can we address various inequalities in our narrative?
    Asset-based language focuses on the unique attributes the participants bring to the project (passionate, capable, thriving) as opposed to deficit-based language that define people and places by perceived insufficiencies (like at risk, lacking, marginalized, underserved). Let’s not define people and places by their deficits. This reinforces negative stereotypes and is not conducive to the type of arts learning this grant program seeks to support. Deficit-based language also contributes to a dynamic where learners are not seen as partners, but as objects of charity. If you’re talking about a problem, use language that reflects that systematic disparities and community wide problems in fact have systemic causes, that these are not self-caused problems, and explicitly describe those systems whenever possible.
  3. Are field trips or strictly performance-based projects eligible for this grant?
    No. While a field trip or culminating performance may be a part of the project, it should not be the primary focus. This grant program supports arts programs that seek to activate youth voices, narratives, and perspectives. It is important to articulate how a community of learners has a voice and agency in the development and implementation of the project. This grant values active participation over exposure or passive engagement.
  4. Can a school district and a school within that district both apply?
    An individual school and a school district may each submit separate applications, but they must be for completely distinct and separate projects and be for projects that occur outside of traditional school hours.
  5. When should I contact my district about applying for this grant?
    We recommend contacting the Grant Department or Fiscal Office at your district 2-3 months prior to the grant deadline.
  6. Can my organization apply for both a Youth Arts Engagement Grant and a Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant?
    No. Though an organization may be eligible for more than one arts learning grant program, the Arts Commission limits the number of applications which may be submitted by an applicant to one arts learning grant program within the same funding period. An applicant who applies to the Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant program in Fiscal Year 2024 may not apply for a Youth Arts Engagement Grant that same year.

Applicant Resources

Leading up to the application due date, the Arizona Commission on the Arts will present webinar-style information sessions and workshops to help prospective applicants in preparing competitive applications.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

A recordings of this session available below.

The following videos walk applicants through the key components of the applications for both Lifelong Arts Engagement Grants and Youth Arts Engagement Grants.

Applicant Guide: Narrative

Applicant Guide: Project Timeline

Applicant Guide: Project Budget

Applicant Guide: Review Process and Evaluation Criteria

How do I register on behalf of an organization?

  1. Go to
  2. Click the “Register” button at the upper-right corner of the window. (If you are using a mobile device, tap the “Sign Up” button.)
  3. Choose the option to “Register as an Organization”
  4. Enter your name, email address, and a password. (The person who registers the organization in SMApply becomes the organization’s first “member” and the administrator of the organization’s account. Additional members may be added later and/or made an account administrator.)
  5. Click/tap the “Create Account” button
  6. Enter the requested information about your Organization, such as the organization’s name, mailing address, and general contact information.

Video Walkthrough

How do I add members to my Organization?

Once you have created your organization you can add additional members to assist with applications and account maintenance.

  1. Go to
  2. Login as an organization administrator
  3. Click “Manage Organization” in the top right corner
  4. Click “Members”
  5. Click the “Add Member” button
  6. Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the member
  7. Select whether the member will have Administrative or Non-Administrative Access
  8. Click the box to “Notify member by email” (This is useful if the user does not already have an account in the system as they will receive an invitation email and be able to create a password to log in.)
  9. Click “Add”

For instructions on adding members in bulk, click here.

How do I update my Organization’s Profile?

  1. Go to
  2. Login as an organization administrator
  3. Click on “Manage Organization” in the top right corner
  4. Click “Profile”
  5. Update your profile information
  6. Click “Save”

Additional Guides

SurveyMonkey Apply provides a comprehensive FAQ for applicants; in addition to the “how tos” above you can find more information and resources on accounts, completing an application, and managing your organization at

Application Due Date: Southern Arizona Creative Aging Cohort
May 30 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm

The Arizona Commission on the Arts is seeking applications from teams to participate in the Southern Arizona Creative Aging Cohort. The Southern Arizona Creative Aging Cohort offers small teams, made up of diverse members of your community, a unique opportunity to explore the many ways creative aging can be put to work for positive community impact.

Combining professional development, assets and needs assessments, and customized consultations, the cohort is designed to equip teams with new frameworks and ideas for developing, expanding, and deepening creative aging efforts.

Who Is It For?

The Southern Arizona Creative Aging Communities Cohort will be made up of teams of three individuals who are committed to implementing sustainable creative aging programming in Southern Arizona. Eligible teams include individuals who live and work south of the Gila River. The team must include participants from each of the following groups:

  1. Teaching artist, with a priority to individuals who reflect the community being served
  2. An employee of a local arts organization or a local arts agency
  3. An employee of a senior center, residential facility and/or health and aging service provider
Info Session: Artist Opportunity Grants
Sep 25 @ 9:00 am – 10:15 am

Thinking about applying for the Artist Opportunity Grant? Join us on Zoom for an hour-long information session for answers to such questions as…

  • Am I eligible for an Artist Opportunity Grant?
  • What can the grant be used for?
  • How do I apply?
  • What do I need to submit?


Learn more about Artist opportunity Grants at

Info Session: Artist Opportunity Grants
Sep 30 @ 12:30 pm – 1:45 pm

Thinking about applying for the Artist Opportunity Grant? Join us on Zoom for an hour-long information session for answers to such questions as…

  • Am I eligible for an Artist Opportunity Grant?
  • What can the grant be used for?
  • How do I apply?
  • What do I need to submit?


Learn more about Artist opportunity Grants at

Info Session: Artist Opportunity Grants
Oct 6 @ 2:00 pm – 3:15 pm

Thinking about applying for the Artist Opportunity Grant? Join us on Zoom for an hour-long information session for answers to such questions as…

  • Am I eligible for an Artist Opportunity Grant?
  • What can the grant be used for?
  • How do I apply?
  • What do I need to submit?


Learn more about Artist opportunity Grants at

Deadline: Artist Opportunity Grant
Oct 24 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm

Artist Opportunity Grants (AOGs) support Arizona artists as they take advantage of specific, unique opportunities that have the potential to significantly impact their professional growth.

Lineamientos de la Subvention Artist Opportunity Grants: Download Guidelines (pdf) | Español

What is an eligible opportunity?

As this grant is available to artists working in all disciplines and at any stage in their career, a wide array of opportunities could be considered eligible, so long as there is potential for significant impact in one or more of these three categories:

Introduce Your Work to New Audiences

An opportunity to present your work in a significant way that will expose your work to new audiences or raise your artistic profile.

Develop New Skills

An opportunity to develop new artistic skills through participation in activities like conferences, artist residencies, workshops, fellowships, master classes, or apprenticeships.

Develop Your Artistic Entrepreneurship

An opportunity to expand your entrepreneurial capacity, such as the production of marketing materials, website development, payment of professional fees (lawyers, accountants, etc.), and any practice-related capital expenses (like equipment purchases, materials, services, rental fees for equipment or facility, etc.)

Remember you will be asked to describe how engaging in the proposed opportunity will advance your work. Further, the opportunity should not duplicate previous work or experiences, but should represent a new or further developing professional endeavor.

Award Amount

Artists may request between $500 and $1,500 in funding.

The number of grants awarded is dependent upon the amount of funds available. No match is required.

Applicants must be individuals and may submit only one application per cycle. Organizations are not eligible to apply. At the time an application is submitted, and the grant is awarded an applicant must be:

  • 18 years of age or older and
  • a resident of Arizona.

An individual may submit only one application per grant cycle and may receive only one AOG every two (2) fiscal years. An applicant may not receive both an AOG and a Research & Development Grant in the same funding period.

Grant funds may be used for any of the following (this list is not comprehensive):

  • Equipment purchases, materials, or services needed to fulfill/engage in the opportunity
  • Rental fees, including equipment, instruments, facility (including short-term space and studio rentals), etc., which support the artistic opportunity
  • Preparation, freight, and/or shipping costs
  • Costs associated with documentation of the opportunity
  • Travel necessary to engage in the opportunity (see Funding Restrictions for more information)
  • Registration fees
  • Professional fees which support the artistic opportunity

Grant funds cannot be used for any projects, or days of a project, that take place before the start date of the cycle in which they are submitted, and/or after the end of the fiscal year (June 30, 2025). If your full project timeline starts before or ends after the funding period, you are still eligible to apply and should articulate the full timeline in your application, but should only request and use grant funds for project activities taking place within the funding period.

Applicants are encouraged to do the following prior to beginning their application:

Request Accommodations
If you require accommodation in completing this application, or otherwise participating in the grant application process, please contact Artist Programs Coordinator Delia Ibañez at or (602) 771-6531.

Prepare Narrative Responses
You can type your proposal narrative or you can upload audio recordings of your responses. For each narrative question you will find a maximum word count (not character) and a maximum recording length. If you share your proposal narrative via audio recordings, keep it simple and to the point. Don’t worry about impressing the panelists with your recording technique, just make sure we can hear and understand you. All audio files must be uploaded as MP3 files (.mp3).

Some applicants find it helpful to develop the narrative portion of the application using word processing software, outside the application platform. This allows them to thoughtfully draft their responses and monitor their word counts for each question. A Word document version of the narrative questions can be downloaded here.

Create an Account
You will submit your application through an online submission platform called SurveyMonkey Apply. Prior to applying, all new applicants will need to register at
If you already have an account, we encourage you to confirm that all information is up to date.

For instructions on how to create or update your account, visit our applicant resources page:

Click/tap the “Apply Now” button below. You do not have to complete the application in one session; at any point you can save a draft of your application and complete or submit it later.


Narrative Proposal

Answer each of the questions below. You can type up your proposal narrative or you can upload it in a video or audio recording (no more than 6 minutes in length).

  1. Describe the opportunity you will engage in with the grant funds. What are your specific proposed activities? (250 words)
  2. Tell us about your artistic practice and values and why this opportunity is appropriate and vital to your work at this stage of your career. (250 words)
  3. How will engaging in this opportunity directly address at least one of the eligible opportunity categories (introduce your work to new audiences, develop new skills, or develop your artistic entrepreneurship)? (250 words)
  4. What next steps in your artistic career would be made possible after completing this opportunity? How does it tie to your future artistic goals and trajectory? (250 words)

If you share your proposal narrative in a video or audio recording keep it simple and to the point. The re- cording should be just you, describing your proposal and answering the four questions listed above.

Please do not include edits of your work samples or special effects. Production quality of this recording will not be considered in your review. Just make sure we can hear and understand you and keep editing and post-production embellishment to a minimum.

Timeline of Proposed Activities

Provide a timeline that details the proposed activities related to your opportunity. The application includes a table with up to 15 rows for activities, asking for Activity Name and Date.
Indicate which dates are finalized with an asterisk at the end of the Name of the Activity.


Activity 1 | Preparing Sheet Music for Printing & Rehearsing Flute Solo | January-February 2024

Activity 2 | Record with Jane Doe at AZArtsy Recording Studio Solo Pieces* | March 3-5, 2024

Activity 3 | Record with Jane Doe at AZArtsy Recording Studio Finalized Group Compositions* | March 6-8, 2024

Work Samples

Submit work samples you’ve completed within the last 10 years which are relevant to the opportunity. From the list to the right, please choose the most appropriate artistic work sample format to represent your discipline:

  • 3 minutes of recorded audio, or
  • 3 minutes of recorded video, or
  • 6 images, or
  • 3 pages of double-spaced text, or
  • Combination of materials listed above: Please edit accordingly for no more than a total of 3 minutes of reviewing time (2 images = 1 min. 1 page = 1 min.)

You will be asked to provide the following information (as applicable) for each work sample you submit:

  • Title of work
  • Date completed/premiered
  • Location/site of exhibitions or presentation of work
  • Dimensions of work
  • Medium of work
  • Collaborators

Please do not submit promotional materials.

Panelists can’t assess your work based on an exhibition poster, an event program, social media statistics, or a published review. Remember to test your work samples as you upload them.

Work Samples Description

For each work sample provide a brief description explaining how the submitted work relates to your opportunity. What is the overall relevance of these work samples to your proposal?

Experience List and Description

Provide 3 to 10 arts-based experiences you have engaged in over the past 10 years that relate to the opportunity you want to engage in and briefly describe how each experience demonstrates progression of your artistic trajectory leading to the opportunity. While this can be reflective of a resume, this can be an opportunity to share a wide breadth of experiences and assets from professional skills to personal skills to wisdom and life experiences.

The experience list helps the panel situate the opportunity you propose in a broader context; please briefly describe the overall relevancy of the experiences you listed to the opportunity. (up to 200 words)

Expenses List

List eligible expenses ONLY (equipment, materials, services, rental fees, facility fees, preparation, freight, shipping, documentation, travel, professional fees, etc.) related to your proposal. If your proposed opportunity requires funding beyond the grant amount, feel free to include those expenses in your expense list.

Grant Amount Requested

Indicate the grant amount you are requesting, based on eligible expenses, between $500 and $1,500.

Budget Narrative

If your eligible expenses exceed $1,500 please tell us how you will fund the rest of your proposed activities. (up to 200 words)


Eligible opportunities must take place during the funding period dates of the cycle in which they are submitted.

Cycle A

Application Due
June 20, 2024, 11:59 pm

Grant Review Panel
July 2024

Grantees Notified
August 2024

Funding Period
July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Cycle B

Application Due
October 24, 2024 11:59 pm

Grant Review Panel
November 2024

Grantees Notified
December 2024

Funding Period
December 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Funds are delivered approximately 8-10 weeks after all necessary paperwork has been submitted by the grant- ee. This includes the award agreement, state W-9 and payment form. With that in mind the earliest funding could be received is October 12 for Cycle A Grantees and February 23 for Cycle B Grantees.

Your application materials will be reviewed by agency staff members according to the following criteria. Please note: need is not a criterion. Application merit is based upon strength of responses in relation to the following review criteria:

Quality of Proposed Opportunity
Application clearly outlines the specific details of the opportunity and outlines how the opportunity is unique, relevant, and specifically important in relation to applicant’s current artistic trajectory.

Is the opportunity clear and consistent throughout? Is there an understanding of the past work in relation to the current opportunity and intended future goals?  

Potential Impact to the Artist
Application clearly describes the potential impact to the artist’s work, including what next steps would be possible and its ties to their future artistic goals and clearly describes the potential of the opportunity to address at least one of the three eligible opportunity categories.

Is it clear what next steps are possible after the opportunity? Is there a clear set of activities that will allow the applicant to develop & advance their artistic trajectory? Is the potential to introduce work to new audiences, develop new artistic skills, or support the development of the entrepreneurship connected to the proposed activities? 

Application demonstrates substantial evidence that the proposal will be realized within the funding period and includes a reasonable expenses list for the scope and scale of the proposed activities. The experiences described in the application are relevant to the opportunity proposed.

Do the materials demonstrate that the opportunity will be completed by June 30th? Is the expense list clearly connected to the opportunity described and logical to what is proposed? Does the experience list demonstrate ability to complete the opportunity and connect to trajectory shared in narrative? 

Application demonstrates a commitment to high ethical standards and equitable professional practices regarding proposed actions, values, methods, and goals.

Is there connection or relationship with proposed communities, collaborators, or mentors, and is there intent to compensate these parties for their contributions? Are potential barriers to access being discussed openly and intentionally within the application? 

Evaluation Rubric

To assist in their evaluation, reviewers will use a rubric. This evaluation tool can be found here. Applicants may find it helpful to refer to the rubric as they prepare their applications.

This program does not fund the following:

  • Support for opportunities, activities, or projects which would otherwise be eligible for another Arts Commission grant, such as the Research & Development Grant or Festival Grant;
  • Teaching artist residencies;
  • Opportunities that take place outside of the funding period;
  • Ongoing studio or space rental;
  • Equipment not related to the opportunity;
  • Costs related to activities for which the applicant is employed or contracted;
  • Opportunities related to academic research or formal study toward an academic or professional degree, such as capstone projects;
  • Fundraising projects, food and beverages for any purpose;
  • Grant administration, overhead, or processing fees taken by an umbrella/parent organization.
  • Costs for nonrefundable travel expenses which are cancelled or postponed beyond the funding period end date.

Additionally, according to the Arts Commission’s enabling statutes, “Notwithstanding any other law, no monies from the Arizona Commission on the Arts may be spent for payment to any person or entity for use in desecrating, casting contempt on, mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, trampling or otherwise dishonoring or causing to bring dishonor on religious objects, the flag of the United States or the flag of this state.” Recipients of Arts Commission support are further instructed to “take into consideration general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public” within funded programs.

Leading up to the application due date, the Arizona Commission on the Arts will present a webinar-style information session to help prospective applicants in preparing competitive applications.


September 25, 2024
9:00 – 10:15 am


September 30, 2024
12:30 – 1:45 pm


October 6, 2024
2:00 – 3:15 pm