The calendar below features upcoming Arts Commission deadlines, events, information sessions and workshop opportunities. Times, dates and event details may be subject to change. For more information, please email


AZ ArtWorker: Artist Talk: Betsabeé Romero
Apr 5 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us for a lecture with contemporary Mexican artist Betsabeé Romero, as part of her Phoenix residency April 3-10.

Betsabeé Romero lives and works in Mexico City. For over 15 years, her work has paid attention to issues of migration and mobility through the symbols and everyday rituals of the culture of global consumption, such as cars, tattoos and urban signage.

Romero has realized more than 30 individual exhibitions in México, the United States and Europe, and has participated in a large number of residencies and international biennials. Her work is part of important collections, including: The British Museum, Daros Collection in Switzerland, Phoenix Art Museum, Nelson & Atkins Nevada Museum of Art, World Bank in Washington D.C., Gelman (México), MOCA Los Angeles, and The Museum of Contemporary Art of Porto Alegre (Brazil). Betsabeé Romero is also renown for numerous monumental installations and interventions in urban communities, including East Los Angeles, Chicago, Mexico City, and Toulouse.

This program is organized by CALA Alliance and AZ ArtWorker, a program of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, and presented in collaboration with Phoenix Art Museum.

AZ ArtWorker: Entrepreneurial Workshop for Indigenous Artists with Linda Essig, Jacob Meders, and First Peoples Fund
Apr 22 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

Join us for a daylong professional development workshop with content crafted to serve Native American artists led by Linda Essig, Jake Meders, and First Peoples Fund. You will learn how to develop your entrepreneurial thinking skills, marketing basics, budgeting, and receive a free copy of the Arizona Arts Entrepreneur Toolkit.


AZ ArtWorker: Betsabeé Romero, Closing Reception
May 5 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us for the closing of “Para Un Muro Ensimismado,” Mexican contemporary artist Betsabeé Romero’s temporary art installation. During her Phoenix residency April 3-10, Romero collaborated with Arizona artists to create a site-specific project connecting global histories of migration and power.

For additional updates and information, visit the event’s Facebook page.

Create Change: AZ Transforming Elder Care Through Creative Engagement
May 22 – May 24 all-day

A program of TimeSlips, presented by Arizona Commission on the Arts and ASU Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts

Create/Change is a 3-day intensive institute developed by Anne Basting and the TimeSlips team, which focuses on transforming care for elders through creative engagement. Since 2012 the Institute has been held every other year in Milwaukee; Create/Change: AZ brings this exciting learning opportunity to Arizona!

For more information, visit

Create/Change: Cultural Perspectives on Creative Aging
May 22 @ 8:15 am – 10:30 am

Join us for Create/Change: Cultural Perspectives on Creative Aging, the opening plenary of the Create/Change: AZ Institute, for a conversation about arts and aging around the complexities of creative practices across communities and organizations, featuring a diverse group of speakers including community organizers and local and visiting artists.

Light breakfast and registration from 8:15am – 9:00pm; program from 9:00am – 10:30am.

This event is free and open to the public, but advanced registration is required.

Register Here


Cultural Memory: Celebrating Wisdom Through Story
May 22 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm

Join the Arizona Commission on the Arts at Grand Central Coffee Company in downtown Phoenix for an evening of story sharing from Lakota performer Charlene O’Rourke and an introduction to Anne Basting’s new storytelling project. With host Liz Warren, South Mountain Community College Storytelling Institute Director.

This event is free and open to the public. Participation and community sharing encouraged.

AZ ArtWorker: Writing Workshop with Milta Ortiz
Sep 23 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Theatricalizing Oral Histories in Community : Writing Workshop with Milta Ortiz

Saturday, September 23, 2017
10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Palabras Bookstore
1738 E. McDowell Rd.
Phoenix, AZ 85006

Creative Aging Workshop for Teaching Artists
Oct 27 @ 9:30 am – 5:30 pm

Join us on Friday, October 27, 2017 for a day-long professional development workshop on teaching artistry in the field of Creative Aging. Through panel discussions, interactive learning sessions, and dynamic presentations, facilitators will address a holistic approach to thinking about the fundamentals of Creative Aging and the aging process.

This workshop is now at capacity. We are not accepting new registrants at this time.

Dance in the Desert: Community Share Out
Apr 28 @ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

Join us as we share what we learned during the inaugural Dance in the Desert: A Gathering of Latinx dancemakers working in Arizona and beyond. The Community Share out will include feedback from participating artists and arts leaders, a brief synopsis of research conducted, and a short dance performance.

This event is free and open to the public, but advance registration is requested.


Dance in the Desert is an inaugural gathering of Latinx dancemakers working in Arizona and beyond. Learn more at

This project is supported by Safos Dance Theatre, AZ Artworker, an initiative of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, Liz Lerman LLC, Phoenix Hostel & Cultural Center, and Projecting All Voices, an initiative launched by ASU’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts and supported by ASU Gammage.

This project received support from WESTAF and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Dance in the Desert: Pachanga
Apr 28 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Join us as we celebrate the closing of the inaugural Dance in the Desert: A Gathering of Latinx Dancemakers. The Pachanga will feature music by DJ Musa and pop up dance performances.

This event is free and open to the public.

Dance in the Desert is an inaugural gathering of Latinx dancemakers working in Arizona and beyond. Learn more at

This project is supported by Safos Dance Theatre, AZ Artworker, an initiative of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, Liz Lerman LLC, Phoenix Hostel & Cultural Center, and Projecting All Voices, an initiative launched by ASU’s Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts and supported by ASU Gammage.

This project received support from WESTAF and the National Endowment for the Arts.

Due Date: AZ Creative Aging Researchapalooza Application
Mar 26 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm

AZ Creative Aging Researchapalooza is a year-long data collection and research challenge focused on gathering data about existing creative aging programs and their participants.

It is also a capacity-building program for teaching artists, arts organizations and health/aging organizations with a serious and committed interest in strengthening existing Creative Aging programs through research and development efforts.

Application period extended. Applications will now be accepted through March 26, 2020.

As a participant you will…

  • Build the capacity of your creative aging programs through research and development efforts
  • Work one-on-one with a research consultant to gain new assessment and evaluation skills and knowledge
  • Collect demographic & programmatic data to better understand equity and equitable evaluation within your programs
  • Develop tools to advocate the benefits of creative aging programs to funders, policy and decision makers
  • Strengthen your connection to the creative aging community

Extended Application Due Date

11:59 PM, Thursday, March 26, 2020

Program Timeframe

March 2020 – March 2021


The following schedule is approximate and will be finalized with participants.

February 2020– March 2020: Recruitment 

Eligible applicants are invited to apply for Researchapalooza by completing a short proposal to be considered for the year-long challenge.

April 2020 – July 2020: Development

Selected participants will be placed into cohorts based on where they are in their data collection journey. During this phase, the participants will engage in regular virtual convenings for sharing and learning with their cohort. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage with a researcher one-on-one as a consultant for their research and evaluation plan. This individualized attention will allow each participant to practically and sustainably apply the skills they will develop.

August 2020 – December 2020: Implementation

Participants will take their research and evaluation plan and implement it in at least one of their programs during the Fall 2020 or analyze existing data Researchers will be engaged throughout this phase to help with data review and analysis.

January 2021 – March 2021: Evaluation

Participants will gather to share their research journey. Researchers will conduct final individual meetings to help analyze the data. Findings will be communicated with the participants and the community at large.

When you’re ready, go click on “Apply Now” below. This will take you to a website called Submittable where you’ll submit your application materials. You do not have to complete the application in one session; Submittable allows you to save a draft of your application and complete/submit it later.

Apply Now

Please review the Researchapalooza Guidelines thoroughly before beginning your application.

If you’d prefer to prepare the narrative section of your application in a word processing program before entering your responses in Submittable, click here to download a Word document version of the overview and narrative questions.

The application consists of the following:


In this section, you will provide general information about the applicant (individual or organization).

Application Narrative   

Answer each of these questions. You can type up your proposal narrative (650 words), or you can upload it in a video or audio recording (no more than 5 minutes in length).   Describe your work in the creative aging field. How would you describe your programming? Do you currently work with any partners?

  • Describe where you currently are in your data collection and research journey.
  • Please describe 1-3 areas you currently feel you/your organization would focus on if paired with a creative aging research consultant.
  • If you share your proposal narrative in a video or audio recording keep it simple and to the point. The recording should be just you, describing your proposal and answering the three questions listed above. Please do not include edits of your work samples or special effects. Production quality of this recording will not be considered in your review. Just make sure we can hear and understand you and keep editing and post-production embellishment to a minimum.

The call for applications is open to all artists, arts organizations and health/aging organizations with Creative Aging programming based in Arizona. Organizations who apply must be incorporated as a nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status or be a unit of government. Applicants must have programming scheduled for the Fall 2020 or existing data to review.

The Arizona Commission on the Arts is seeking up to 12 teaching artists, arts organizations and health/aging organizations to participate in this program.

Applications will be reviewed by AZ Creative Aging partners and Arts Commission staff. Late or incomplete applications will be ineligible for review or funding.

The reviewers will seek a balance of arts disciplines and geography within the participant cohort. Up to 12 artists, arts organizations and health/aging organizations will be selected.

Applicants will be notified of their application status by mid-April, 2020.

In 2019, the Arts Commission and Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, in partnership with the Institute of Sustainable Communities, developed a five-month engagement process that prioritized the perspective and voices of the creative aging sector in an effort to strengthen the creative aging movement in Arizona. The process successfully gathered information from community leaders and local creative aging experts to articulate and define a set of strategies unique to Arizona. The creative aging visioning process resulted in the following final strategies; Researchapalooza was developed out of this process and in response to these collective strategies.

Strategy A

Build the capacity for the creative aging sector to deepen collaboration and relationships between artists and organizations.

Strategy B

Increase advocacy to policy makers and general public awareness of creative aging programming and the benefits it has among older adults and an entire community

Strategy C

Strengthen the creative aging community through:

  • Dedicated research and evaluation efforts by all
  • Increased collaboration and connectivity
  • Increased communication among peers

Strategy D

Ensure equity is prioritized throughout the creative aging sector.

Strategy E

Build a creative aging culture where the community is able to remain innovative, imaginative and nimble.

Arizona Teaching Artist Virtual Conversation
Apr 9 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Arizona Teaching Artist Virtual Conversation

Thursday, April 9, 2020
2:00 – 3:00 pm 


A peer-to-peer driven conversation for Arizona Teaching Artists to virtually check-in, share strategies, insights, tools, and resources relevant in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. 

A link and instructions for joining the session will be emailed to you upon registration.