A Poem That is No Longer a Stranger: Zaskia Villa Reflects on Poetry Out Loud


“Find a poem that speaks to you. Find a poem that tugs at your soul and makes it easy for you to envision yourself reciting its words to an audience. Spend time choosing a poem that suits you and your interests. Meet the words, know the words, carry them with you and speak them with the intention of making others feel them.”

Poetry Out Loud State Finals Judge Reflects on Her Years as a Participant


“I relish the way a pattern of certain consonants comes together or the sounds of assonance and alliteration. It’s a really fun challenge to not only find those moments in the text, but also convey those moments in a way that your audience catches them or is moved by them in a way that isn’t distracting.”

Arizona High School Student Competes at Poetry Out Loud National Finals


“For me, there is just something magical about getting up in front of a crowd and reciting works of poetry,” says 17 year-old Matthew Kaplan of Phoenix. “This year I treated Poetry Out Loud less as a competition than I had in years past, and I have loved every moment.”

Interview with Arizona Poetry Out Loud State Champion, Steffi McNerney


During the week of April 27-29, 2011, 53 high school students came together at the Lincoln Theatre in Washington D. C. to compete for scholarships in the Poetry Out Loud National Finals.We are so proud of Arizona’s Poetry Out Loud State Champion, Steffi McNerney, and her performance at the National Finals. We congratulate her on all of her accomplishments with… Read more »