The calendar below features upcoming Arts Commission deadlines, events, information sessions and workshop opportunities. Times, dates and event details may be subject to change. For more information, please email
Join the Arizona Historical Society for an evening with Arizona Poet Laureate Alberto Ríos. Ríos will share some of his work and discuss the role that oral history plays in his writing. A native of Nogales, Arizona, Ríos writes about life along the U.S. and Mexico border, blending the personal with the political in a way that makes us see both in a new light.
For more information, contact the Arizona Historical Society Archives at: 520-617-1157 A flyer about the event can be seen by clicking here.
Presented by the Arizona Historical Society, in partnerships with with the University of Arizona’s Spanish and Portuguese & the Gender and Women’s Studies Departments,
This event and all events in the Nuestro Tucson series are made possible through a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the American Library Association.
Introduction and Approaches to Creative Aging
Join the Arizona Commission on the Arts, Arizona Western College and WACOG Area Agency on Aging to learn more about Creative Aging, an exciting national movement to advance understanding of the vital relationship between creative expression and healthy aging.
Guest artist Jorge Merced will provide an interactive exploration of the different approaches used across the continuum of care, and the brain/body research which shows that older adults who are engaged in the arts experience better overall health, enjoy a higher quality of life, and are more active in their communities. Participants will connect with other providers and artists interested in enriching the lives of older adults in their community, and will leave with concrete tools and ideas for Creative Aging in their own programs and work.
Who should attend?
Anyone interested in the vital relationship between the arts and quality of life for older adults, including aging or healthcare service organization staff, caregivers, volunteers, teaching artists, and arts organizations.
This is a bilingual workshop for both English and Spanish speakers.
Este taller es bilingüe y se ofrecerá en inglés y español.
For more information about this event and the guest artists, please visit
Space is limited. Cost: Free. Advanced registration required. To register, visit
Workshop with Jorge Merced | Taller bilingüe de teatro con Jorge Merced
RE-CREATIONS: Mapping the road from the Page to the Stage
With an introduction by playwright Milta Ortiz
Join theatre professional Jorge Merced of Pregones Theater in a workshop that provides a creative primer on the art of adaptations. Participants learn to think of both literary and non-literary texts as inspiration and raw material for theater! The evening includes illustrative examples from the ensemble’s existing original repertory and hands-on exercises using said text as a springboard for new interpretations.
Acompáñenos a un taller de teatro con Jorge Merced, artista y Director Asociado del Teatro Pregones. El taller proveerá estrategias para el arte de hacer adaptaciones. Los participantes aprenderán a destilar inspiración de textos literarios y no-literarios como material teatral.
* Bilingual workshop in English and Spanish. Taller bilingüe en español e inglés.
* Workshop size is limited to 20 participants. Register online at
Workshop with Southwest Folklife Alliance | Taller de Capacitación con la Alianza del Suroeste para el Avance de las Culturas Populares
Who Tells the Best Jokes? Who Makes the Best Tortillas? — Asset Mapping as a Tool for Community Empowerment
¿Quién cuenta los mejores chistes? ¿Quién hace las mejores tortillas? — Mapas de activos comunitarios como herramientas para cambio social
In this interactive, hands-on workshop artists, neighborhood and business leaders will learn how to adapt and use the tools frequently used by anthropologists to conduct research in communities all over the world. Using maps, questionnaires, photography, film, observation, personal interviews and techniques for making the most out of “hanging out” with people in casual settings, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the field of “place making” and its potential benefits for community prosperity.
En este taller interactivo los artistas, líderes comunitarios y comerciantes aprenderán a adaptar y utilizar las herramientas que usan frecuentemente los antropólogos para llevar a cabo la investigación en comunidades alrededor del mundo. Los participantes aprenderán a sacar el mayor provecho de “pasar un rato informal” con la gente en nuestro entorno mediante el uso de: mapas, cuestionarios, fotografías, el cine, la observación, entrevistas personales y otras técnicas. Los participantes obtendrán una comprensión más profunda del campo de la “creación de lugares” y sus potenciales beneficios en fomentar la prosperidad de la comunidad.
* Bilingual workshop in English and Spanish. Taller bilingüe en español e inglés.
* Workshop size is limited to 25-30 participants. Register online at
On First Firday, June 3, Phoenix Art Museum will present host Shining Soul and Friends, featuring live rap performance by Tohono O’odham youth of Baboquivari High School.
Throughout the past month, these young artists from Topowa participated in a five-week AZ ArtWorker workshop with Shining Soul, a duo of teaching artists/professional musicians who teach Hip Hop as a medium for bringing forth positive growth and balance in one’s life
Shining Soul offered students from Baboquivari High School an intermediate curriculum focused on the four steps of Beat production: digging, sampling, sequencing and song arrangement. The workshop also provided information on Hip Hop’s origins and elements, including Hip Hop’s tradition of creative and generative response to social inequality.
Click here to learn more.
AZ ArtWorker is a program of the Arizona Commission on the Arts, funded by the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation.
Each year, the Arizona Commission on the Arts awards Artist Research & Development Grants (ARDG) artists working in all disciplines to aid in the development of artistic work, support the advancement of artistic research and recognize the contributions individual artists make to Arizona’s communities.
In June 2016, the Arts Commission will present an exhibition at Chartreuse, a contemporary art space on historic Grand Avenue in downtown Phoenix, featuring work by five members of the 2015 cohort of ARDG recipients.
For more information about the exhibition and featured artists, visit
Gallery Hours:
Friday, June 3, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturday, June 4, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Friday, June 17, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturday, June 18, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Private viewings may be available by request. Email Gabriela Muñoz at to request an appointment.
In June 2016, the Arizona Commission on the Arts will present an exhibition at Chartreuse, a contemporary art space on historic Grand Avenue in downtown Phoenix, featuring work by five members of the 2015 cohort of Artist Research and Development Grant recipients.
On Saturday, June 4, from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm, the Arts Commission’s AZ ArtWorker program will host an artist panel with featured artists Alex! Jimenez, Lauren Strohacker and Kendra Sollars. This event is free and open to the public.
For more information about the exhibition and featured artists, visit
Each year, the Arizona Commission on the Arts awards Artist Research & Development Grants (ARDG) artists working in all disciplines to aid in the development of artistic work, support the advancement of artistic research and recognize the contributions individual artists make to Arizona’s communities.
In June 2016, the Arts Commission will present an exhibition at Chartreuse, a contemporary art space on historic Grand Avenue in downtown Phoenix, featuring work by five members of the 2015 cohort of ARDG recipients.
For more information about the exhibition and featured artists, visit
Gallery Hours:
Friday, June 3, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturday, June 4, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Friday, June 17, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturday, June 18, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Private viewings may be available by request. Email Gabriela Muñoz at to request an appointment.
Cafesito con Margarita Cabrera: A conversation over coffee and pan dulce.
Join us for a meet and greet with Margarita Cabrera, a Mexican-American artist whose objects and activities address timely issues related to border relations, labor practices and immigration. Margarita will talk about her latest project Space in Between, a collaboration with ASU Art Museum, Desert Botanical Gardens and various community organizations. The artist will also introduce the project Douglas Abre la Boca. Don’t miss it!
Acompáñenos a conocer y saludar a Margarita Cabrera, artista y activista mexico-americana cuyos objetos y actividades abordan temas actuales sobre las relaciones fronterizas, las prácticas laborales y la inmigración. Margarita hablará sobre su más reciente proyecto Space in Between, cuyo nombre se deriva de la palabra Nahuatl: Nepantla. El proyecto en una colaboración con el Museo de Arte de ASU, Desert Botanical Gardens y varias organizaciones comunitarias. La artista también presentará el proyecto Douglas Abre la Boca. ¡No se lo pierdan!
* Bilingual meet and greet. Convivio bilingüe.
* Workshop size is limited to 30 participants.
As part of the Land Tracings exhibition, the Arizona Commission on the Arts will present an evening of durational patchmaking with P.Nosa.
With a portable sewing machine powered by a solar panel and a bicycle that generates electricity, Nosa tours the country, settling in public areas where he sets up his machine and asks people to describe a scenario in five words or less. He interprets these scenarios in the moment, sewing intricate designs onto a patch.
For more information about Land Tracings and the featured artists, visit
Each year, the Arizona Commission on the Arts awards Artist Research & Development Grants (ARDG) artists working in all disciplines to aid in the development of artistic work, support the advancement of artistic research and recognize the contributions individual artists make to Arizona’s communities.
In June 2016, the Arts Commission will present an exhibition at Chartreuse, a contemporary art space on historic Grand Avenue in downtown Phoenix, featuring work by five members of the 2015 cohort of ARDG recipients.
For more information about the exhibition and featured artists, visit
Gallery Hours:
Friday, June 3, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturday, June 4, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Friday, June 17, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturday, June 18, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Private viewings may be available by request. Email Gabriela Muñoz at to request an appointment.
Each year, the Arizona Commission on the Arts awards Artist Research & Development Grants (ARDG) artists working in all disciplines to aid in the development of artistic work, support the advancement of artistic research and recognize the contributions individual artists make to Arizona’s communities.
In June 2016, the Arts Commission will present an exhibition at Chartreuse, a contemporary art space on historic Grand Avenue in downtown Phoenix, featuring work by five members of the 2015 cohort of ARDG recipients.
For more information about the exhibition and featured artists, visit
Gallery Hours:
Friday, June 3, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturday, June 4, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Friday, June 17, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Saturday, June 18, 2016, 6:00 pm – 10:00pm
Private viewings may be available by request. Email Gabriela Muñoz at to request an appointment.