The calendar below features upcoming Arts Commission deadlines, events, information sessions and workshop opportunities. Times, dates and event details may be subject to change. For more information, please email
The Arizona Commission on the Arts is partnering with Audience Avenue to bring Matt Lehrman’s Audiences Everywhere™ workshop to Phoenix and Tucson in February 2015. Intended for nonprofit arts organizations large and small, Audience Everywhere‘s whole-organization approach to understanding your audience promises to “blow away conventional wisdom, energize new ways to advance your mission and inspire innovation at every level of your organization.
Thanks in part to the sponsorship of Patron Technology, Audience Avenue and the Arizona Commission on the Arts are please to offer these workshops free of charge to those who register in advance. Click here to register today! For more information on this opportunity, please contact or 602-771-6517.
The Arizona Commission on the Arts is partnering with Audience Avenue to bring Matt Lehrman’s Audiences Everywhere™ workshop to Phoenix and Tucson in February 2015. Intended for nonprofit arts organizations large and small, Audience Everywhere‘s whole-organization approach to understanding your audience promises to “blow away conventional wisdom, energize new ways to advance your mission and inspire innovation at every level of your organization.
Thanks in part to the sponsorship of Patron Technology, Audience Avenue and the Arizona Commission on the Arts are please to offer these workshops free of charge to those who register in advance. Click here to register today! For more information on this opportunity, please contact or 602-771-6517.

Arizona Poet Laureate Alberto Ríos will make a special appearance with a reading of his award-winning work.
*Languages: English and Spanish
Presented by: Arizona Commission on the Arts and Performance in the Borderlands.
Logan Phillips is an Arizona Commission on the Arts Artist Project Grant Recipient. (2012)