To request any agency publication in an alternative format, contact the Arts Commission offices at (602) 771-6501.

Annual Report to Governor

Annual Report to the Governor, Fiscal Year 2024

Each year, the Arizona Commission on the Arts submits a report to the Governor on its programs, services and grantmaking. This document is also made available to the citizens of Arizona.


Impact Arts and Culture in Arizona

Utilizing aggregated data from the Arizona Cultural Data Project and select additional data sources, “Impact: Arts and Culture in Arizona” illustrates the myriad ways Arizona’s arts and culture sector develops jobs and revenue, contributes to economic health and competitiveness, promotes civic health and pride, and enhances Arizonans’ overall quality of life.

Building Public Value for the Arts in Arizona: Advocacy, Promotion and Audience Engagement

This booklet is designed to help artists, arts organizations and schools effectively communicate the value of their work and the importance of public funding for the arts with elected officials, community leaders, parents, donors, school board members and the public.

Arizona Commission on the Arts Brochure

This brochure provides an overview of the Arizona Commission on the Arts and the ways in which the agency endeavors to achieve its mission to imagine a future where everyone can participate in and experience the arts.


Strengthening Schools through Arts Partnership Evaluation Highlights

In September 2015, the Arizona Department of Education Program Evaluation Unit published a cross-case evaluation of programs funded through the Strengthening Schools Through Arts Partnership funding initiative. This summary publication provides highlights of their findings in three areas: Academic Achievement, Student Self-efficacy, and Student Engagement.

Strengthening Schools through Arts Partnership Evaluation Highlights

In 2018 the Arts Commission published a cross-case evaluation of programs funded through the second round of the Strengthening Schools Through Arts Partnership funding initiative.