The calendar below features upcoming Arts Commission deadlines, events, information sessions and workshop opportunities. Times, dates and event details may be subject to change. For more information, please email


Poetry Out Loud Deadline to Hold School Competitions
Feb 6 all-day

Poetry Out Loud deadline to hold school competitions. If your school will be unable to meet this deadline, please contact Arizona Poetry Out Loud Coordinator Anastasia Freyermuth to make alternative arrangements at (602) 771-6529 or


Deadline: FY2016 Community Investment Grant, Festival Grant and Arts Learning Grant Final Report Deadline
Sep 12 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm

FY2016 Community Investment Grant, Festival Grant and Arts Learning Grant Final Report Deadline

Complete a Final Report in the GO system at While Final Reports must be submitted no later than Monday, September 12, 2016, the Arts Commission recommends that Final Reports be submitted within 30 days of the completion of the funded activities (for Festival and Arts Learning Grants) or the organization’s Fiscal Year (for Community Investment Grants).

Failure to submit a FY2016 Final Report by the posted deadline will render your organization ineligible to apply for future Arts Commission grants.

All grant-related materials must be received by the Arizona Commission on the Arts by close of the business day on the deadline date. Without exception, organizations that neglect to submit required materials by the published deadlines will forfeit their current grant award and/or be ineligible for future funding.

For assistance, please contact Kristen Pierce, Organizational Grants and Services Manager, (602) 771-6517 or


Deadline: FY2017 Community Investment Grant & Festival Grant Award Agreement Paperwork Return Deadline
Oct 17 @ 5:00 pm – 5:00 pm

FY2017 Community Investment Grant & Festival Grant Award Agreement Paperwork Return Deadline

Return your grant award agreement, signed and dated by an authorizing official, and State Substitute W-9 Form by Monday, October 17, 2016.

For assistance, please contact Kristen Pierce, Organizational Grants and Services Manager, (602) 771-6517 or


Deadline: Artist Opportunity Grant
Feb 15 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm

Artist Opportunity Grants provide funding support to Arizona artists as they take advantage of specific, unique opportunities that have the potential to significantly impact an artist’s work and career. This grant supports and empowers artists at critical stages in their creative lives as you work to raise the profile of your artistic practice and continue to innovate your work.

Application & Review Timelines

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Applications are due the 15th of every month between February and May 2019.

Applications will be reviewed, and applicants notified within two weeks of the due date.

Funds are limited; grants will be awarded until all available funds are expended.

Due Dates

Friday, February 15; Friday, March 15; Monday, April 15; Wednesday, May 15.

Funding Period

Eligible opportunities must take place between January 1 – June 30, 2019.

Deadline: Artist Opportunity Grant
Mar 15 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm

Artist Opportunity Grants provide funding support to Arizona artists as they take advantage of specific, unique opportunities that have the potential to significantly impact an artist’s work and career. This grant supports and empowers artists at critical stages in their creative lives as you work to raise the profile of your artistic practice and continue to innovate your work.

Application & Review Timelines

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Applications are due the 15th of every month between February and May 2019.

Applications will be reviewed, and applicants notified within two weeks of the due date.

Funds are limited; grants will be awarded until all available funds are expended.

Due Dates

Friday, February 15; Friday, March 15; Monday, April 15; Wednesday, May 15.

Funding Period

Eligible opportunities must take place between January 1 – June 30, 2019.

Deadline: Artist Opportunity Grant
Apr 15 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm

Artist Opportunity Grants provide funding support to Arizona artists as they take advantage of specific, unique opportunities that have the potential to significantly impact an artist’s work and career. This grant supports and empowers artists at critical stages in their creative lives as you work to raise the profile of your artistic practice and continue to innovate your work.

Application & Review Timelines

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis.

Applications are due the 15th of every month between February and May 2019.

Applications will be reviewed, and applicants notified within two weeks of the due date.

Funds are limited; grants will be awarded until all available funds are expended.

Due Dates

Friday, February 15; Friday, March 15; Monday, April 15; Wednesday, May 15.

Funding Period

Eligible opportunities must take place between January 1 – June 30, 2019.

Due Date: AZ Creative Aging Researchapalooza Application
Mar 26 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm

AZ Creative Aging Researchapalooza is a year-long data collection and research challenge focused on gathering data about existing creative aging programs and their participants.

It is also a capacity-building program for teaching artists, arts organizations and health/aging organizations with a serious and committed interest in strengthening existing Creative Aging programs through research and development efforts.

Application period extended. Applications will now be accepted through March 26, 2020.

As a participant you will…

  • Build the capacity of your creative aging programs through research and development efforts
  • Work one-on-one with a research consultant to gain new assessment and evaluation skills and knowledge
  • Collect demographic & programmatic data to better understand equity and equitable evaluation within your programs
  • Develop tools to advocate the benefits of creative aging programs to funders, policy and decision makers
  • Strengthen your connection to the creative aging community

Extended Application Due Date

11:59 PM, Thursday, March 26, 2020

Program Timeframe

March 2020 – March 2021


The following schedule is approximate and will be finalized with participants.

February 2020– March 2020: Recruitment 

Eligible applicants are invited to apply for Researchapalooza by completing a short proposal to be considered for the year-long challenge.

April 2020 – July 2020: Development

Selected participants will be placed into cohorts based on where they are in their data collection journey. During this phase, the participants will engage in regular virtual convenings for sharing and learning with their cohort. Each participant will have the opportunity to engage with a researcher one-on-one as a consultant for their research and evaluation plan. This individualized attention will allow each participant to practically and sustainably apply the skills they will develop.

August 2020 – December 2020: Implementation

Participants will take their research and evaluation plan and implement it in at least one of their programs during the Fall 2020 or analyze existing data Researchers will be engaged throughout this phase to help with data review and analysis.

January 2021 – March 2021: Evaluation

Participants will gather to share their research journey. Researchers will conduct final individual meetings to help analyze the data. Findings will be communicated with the participants and the community at large.

When you’re ready, go click on “Apply Now” below. This will take you to a website called Submittable where you’ll submit your application materials. You do not have to complete the application in one session; Submittable allows you to save a draft of your application and complete/submit it later.

Apply Now

Please review the Researchapalooza Guidelines thoroughly before beginning your application.

If you’d prefer to prepare the narrative section of your application in a word processing program before entering your responses in Submittable, click here to download a Word document version of the overview and narrative questions.

The application consists of the following:


In this section, you will provide general information about the applicant (individual or organization).

Application Narrative   

Answer each of these questions. You can type up your proposal narrative (650 words), or you can upload it in a video or audio recording (no more than 5 minutes in length).   Describe your work in the creative aging field. How would you describe your programming? Do you currently work with any partners?

  • Describe where you currently are in your data collection and research journey.
  • Please describe 1-3 areas you currently feel you/your organization would focus on if paired with a creative aging research consultant.
  • If you share your proposal narrative in a video or audio recording keep it simple and to the point. The recording should be just you, describing your proposal and answering the three questions listed above. Please do not include edits of your work samples or special effects. Production quality of this recording will not be considered in your review. Just make sure we can hear and understand you and keep editing and post-production embellishment to a minimum.

The call for applications is open to all artists, arts organizations and health/aging organizations with Creative Aging programming based in Arizona. Organizations who apply must be incorporated as a nonprofit organization with tax-exempt status or be a unit of government. Applicants must have programming scheduled for the Fall 2020 or existing data to review.

The Arizona Commission on the Arts is seeking up to 12 teaching artists, arts organizations and health/aging organizations to participate in this program.

Applications will be reviewed by AZ Creative Aging partners and Arts Commission staff. Late or incomplete applications will be ineligible for review or funding.

The reviewers will seek a balance of arts disciplines and geography within the participant cohort. Up to 12 artists, arts organizations and health/aging organizations will be selected.

Applicants will be notified of their application status by mid-April, 2020.

In 2019, the Arts Commission and Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust, in partnership with the Institute of Sustainable Communities, developed a five-month engagement process that prioritized the perspective and voices of the creative aging sector in an effort to strengthen the creative aging movement in Arizona. The process successfully gathered information from community leaders and local creative aging experts to articulate and define a set of strategies unique to Arizona. The creative aging visioning process resulted in the following final strategies; Researchapalooza was developed out of this process and in response to these collective strategies.

Strategy A

Build the capacity for the creative aging sector to deepen collaboration and relationships between artists and organizations.

Strategy B

Increase advocacy to policy makers and general public awareness of creative aging programming and the benefits it has among older adults and an entire community

Strategy C

Strengthen the creative aging community through:

  • Dedicated research and evaluation efforts by all
  • Increased collaboration and connectivity
  • Increased communication among peers

Strategy D

Ensure equity is prioritized throughout the creative aging sector.

Strategy E

Build a creative aging culture where the community is able to remain innovative, imaginative and nimble.

Due Date: Research & Development Grant, Stage 2 application
Oct 13 @ 11:59 pm – 11:59 pm
Due Date: AZ Youth Arts Council Application
Jul 21 – Jul 22 all-day
Deadline: Research and Development Grant
Jul 20 @ 11:59 am – 11:59 am

The Research & Development Grant will not be offered in Fiscal Year 2025 (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025) as the program undergoes planned periodic revision.

We are still offering Artist Opportunity Grants. Click here to learn more.

Research & Development (R&D) Grants provide funding support to Arizona artists as they work to advance their artistic practice, expand their creative horizons, and deepen the impact of their work.


Deadline: Creative Youth Grant
Apr 4 @ 11:59 am – 11:59 am

The application period for FY2025 Creative Youth Grants is now closed.

Created and reviewed by the Arizona Commission on the Arts’ AZ Youth Arts Council, the Creative Youth Grant is a funding opportunity for young artists ages 12 -17.

What does it fund?

To support young artists as they develop new skills or advance their artistic practice outside the traditional school day. This may include paying for lessons, attending a workshop, or paying for supplies and equipment.

Who is it for?

Eligible applicants for the Creative Youth Grant include Arizona young artists ages 12-17.

Applications that are developed by adults will be ineligible for funding. Parents, guardians or teachers may not apply for the young artist.

Award Amount

Individuals can request between $250 and $500 based on eligible expenses.

Grant funds may be used for any of the following (this list is not comprehensive):

  • Fees for private lessons or workshops.
  • Materials or supplies related to your artistic practice.
  • Equipment, instruments or technology related to your artistic practice.
  • Travel costs.

Applicants are encouraged to do the following prior to beginning their application:

Request Accommodations

If you require accommodation in completing the application, or otherwise participating in the grant application process, please contact the Director of Arts Learning, Elisa Radcliffe, by phone at (602) 771-6528 or by email at

Prepare Narrative Responses

You can type your proposal narrative, or you can upload audio or video recordings of your responses. The narrative has a maximum word count (not character) and a maximum recording length. If you share your proposal narrative in a video or audio recording keep it simple and to the point. The recording should be just you, describing your proposal and answering the questions listed above. Please do not include edits of your work samples or special effects. Production quality of this recording will not be considered in your review. Just make sure we can hear and understand you and keep editing and post-production embellishment to a minimum. All audio files must be uploaded as MP3 files (.mp3).

When you’re ready, click on the “Apply Now” button below. You do not have to complete the application in one session; at any point you can save a draft of your application and complete or submit it later.




(600 word limit, 5 minute audio/video limit)

Answer each of these questions.

  1. Tell us about yourself and your artistic practice.
  2. Describe how you will use the grant funds. Why are these activities or purchases important to you as a young artist?
  3. Provide a timeline of the proposed activities or purchases. All activities or purchases must take place July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

Work Sample

Submit a work sample you’ve completed. All levels of artists are encouraged to apply. The panel will use the work sample to support the narrative you have provided. They will not be judging the quality of the work sample as a part of their review.

From the list below, please choose the most appropriate artistic work sample format to represent your discipline:

  • 3 minutes of recorded audio
  • 3 minutes of recorded video
  • 6 images
  • 3 pages of double-spaced text or 3 poems

Work Sample Narrative
(200 word limit, 2 minute audio/video limit)

Provide a brief description explaining how the submitted work sample relates to your proposal. Why did you choose them?



List all expenses related to your proposal and provide a short explanation of the expenses.

Grant Amount Requested 

Indicate the grant amount you are requesting, based on eligible expenses, between $250 and $500.

Budget Narrative (200 word limit, 2 minute audio/video limit)

If your total expenses exceed the grant amount requested, explain how you will pay for the remaining costs.

Your narrative responses will be evaluated by AZ Youth Arts Council members based on the following criteria.

Quality of Proposal
Did you clearly outline your artistic form and how you will spend the grant funds?

Potential Impact 
Did you describe how these funds will impact you as a young artist?

Are the expenses you describe appropriate for the grant? Does the application demonstrate substantial evidence that the proposal will be realized within the proposed timeline?

  • Food and beverages for any purpose.
  • Fundraising projects.
  • Opportunities that take place outside of the funding period.
  • Equipment not related to the opportunity.
  • Opportunities related to academic research or formal study toward an academic or professional degree, such as capstone projects.
  • Applications that are developed by adults will be ineligible for funding.
  • Grant administration, overhead or processing fees taken by an umbrella/parent organization as a percentage of the total award, with the exception of fiscal sponsors.

This list is not comprehensive.

Additionally, according to the Arts Commission’s enabling statutes, “Notwithstanding any other law, no monies from the Arizona Commission on the Arts may be spent for payment to any person or entity for use in desecrating, casting contempt on, mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, trampling or otherwise dishonoring or causing to bring dishonor on religious objects, the flag of the United States or the flag of this state.” Recipients of Arts Commission support are further instructed to “take into consideration general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public” within funded programs.

Deadline: Festival Grant
Apr 4 @ 11:59 am – 11:59 am

The application period for FY2025 Festival Grants is now closed.

Festival Grants support the presentation of quality arts and culture programming through festival activities, connecting artists and culture bearers (or their artistic work) with communities.

What does it fund?

Festival grants support in-person, virtual, and hybrid festivals.

For the purposes of this grant program, a festival is defined as a periodic celebration or gathering that…

  • happens in a condensed period of time,
  • features a varied and curated program of events, and
  • has an easily identifiable and unifying theme or specified focus.

Festivals eligible for Festival Grants must…

  • demonstrate a thematic emphasis on arts and culture in their programming,
  • last a minimum of one four-hour day, and
  • only span the duration of two consecutive weekends

Seasonal series of presented works, as well as freestanding productions or exhibitions, are not eligible activities for this program. Festival activities can include juried processes, but scholarships, pageants or standalone award ceremonies are also ineligible. Please see a more detailed list of ineligible expenses at the end of this document.

Who is it for?

Eligible applicants for Festival Grants include Arizona-based…

  • nonprofit organizations* with tax-exempt status
  • Units of government (local or Tribal)
  • Local arts agencies
  • Tribal cultural organizations
  • University/college departments
  • *An organization without tax-exempt status may apply through a nonprofit fiscal sponsor.

Please note, while an organization or unit of government may be eligible for more than one grant program, the Arts Commission limits the number of applications that may be submitted across programs to one application per entity per funding period. Organizations applying for a Festival Grant in Fiscal Year 2025 may not apply for any other Arts Commission grants for organizations.

Applicants may request grant award amounts ranging from a minimum of $1,000 to a maximum of $5,000.

There is no cash match required for this grant opportunity.

How many Grants Will Be Awarded?

In 2012, the Arizona Commission on the Arts was removed from the State’s General Fund as an ongoing budget line-item. Since that time, the agency’s annual grantmaking budget has been especially volatile, dependent on one-time legislative appropriations, which have ranged from $0 – $5 million. The agency’s grantmaking capacity for Fiscal Year 2025 will not be known until the State’s budget is passed by the Legislature and signed into law by the Governor. This typically happens in late spring.

The number and size of grants the agency will award in Fiscal Year 2025 will depend on the outcome of this legislative budget session.

For more info on Arts Commission funding, visit

Contracted Artistic Services and Artist Fees

Includes guest artist contractual fees including travel, and lodging.

Production Expenses

Includes insurance, sound, lighting, and equipment rental and operation for the artistic project only.

Space Rental

Includes stage, space, or venue rental for the artistic project only.


Includes contracted graphic design services the purchase of advertising space and creation of digital and printed promotional materials for the entire event.

Accessibility Services

Includes closed captioning, interpretation, and translation services, visual enhancements, and listening guides.

Public Health and Safety Compliance

Includes personal protective equipment, cleaning and sanitation services, and equipment/structuring to support distancing.

Digital Operations

Includes fees related to video live-streaming services, access to webinar and conferencing platforms, closed captioning, translation and interpretation services, and digital ticketing/event management systems

Funds are delivered approximately 6-8 weeks after all necessary paperwork has been submitted by the grantee. This includes the award agreement, state W-9 and payment form.

Applicants are encouraged to do the following prior to beginning their application:

Request Accommodations

If you require accommodation in completing this application, or otherwise participating in the grant application process, please contact Organizational Programs Manager Brad DeBiase at or (602) 771-6534.

Prepare Narrative Responses

You can type your proposal narrative or you can upload audio recordings of your responses. For each narrative question you will find a maximum word count (not character) and a maximum recording length. If you share your proposal narrative via audio recordings, keep it simple and to the point. Don’t worry about impressing the panelists with your recording technique, just make sure we can hear and understand you. All audio files must be uploaded as MP3 files (.mp3).

Some applicants find it helpful to develop their responses using word processing software, outside the application platform. This allows them to draft responses with team members and monitor their word counts for each question. A Word document version of the narrative questions can be downloaded at

Create or Update the SurveyMonkey Apply Account for Your Organization

You will submit your application through an online submission platform called SurveyMonkey Apply. Prior to applying, all new applicants will need to register their organization at

If your organization already has an account, we encourage you to confirm that all information is up to date and add/remove any team members as needed.
For instructions on how to create or update your account, visit our applicant resources page:

When you’re ready, click/tap the “Apply Now” button below. You do not have to complete the application in one session; at any point you can save a draft of your application and complete or submit it later.


Organization Information

  • Information collected in this section of the application is used for internal and reporting purposes only.
  • Organization name and (if applicable) DBA
  • Secondary contact info
  • ADA Coordinator contact info
    Grants from the Arts Commission require compliance with the regulations of Section 504 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA Coordinator is the person who can answer questions about or facilitate requests for accessible programs and services; no special training or certification required.
  • Festival website
  • Nonprofit status (and file upload)
    You will be required to upload an IRS determination letter OR a fiscal sponsor letter of agreement in the “Nonprofit Status” section. Units of government are exempt from this requirement.

Festival Overview

  • Festival name
  • One sentence description (150 words max)
  • Festival dates and times (or usual calendar placement)
  • Projected number of participants (or average annual attendance)
  • Organization mission statement (150 words maximum)

Festival Format

  • In-person
  • Virtual
  • Hybrid

In-person festivals that possess virtual components (e.g. livestreaming performances) would be considered “Hybrid”, and applicants should select the “Virtual” option if their festival activities will be produced and attended exclusively through digital platforms.


  1. Describe your festival in its entirety. Be as specific as possible about the festival’s arts and culture programming. How are contributing artists identified, and what will participants gain, learn, and/or access through festival activities? (400 words maximum or 3-minute audio limit)
  2. Provide an outline of your festival’s timeline, detailing your processes for planning, outreach, implementation, production, and post-production work. (400 words maximum or 3-minute audio limit)
  3. What communities will you engage through your festival, and how? Please define these communities, considering “community” broadly, beyond simple age- or location-based groups. What demographics and sociocultural identities would you expect to be represented among festival producers, personnel, and participants? (400 words maximum or 3-minute audio limit)
  4. In addition to ADA compliance, please describe how your organization will create the conditions to support the participation of people of all abilities. How will your organization ensure that your festival’s programming, facilities, and venues accommodate wide-ranging accessibility considerations? (300 words maximum or 2-minute audio limit) See FAQ for additional details.
  5. Please describe how you will evaluate and define the success of your proposed festival activities. What methods will you use to assess community engagement and impact, and how will these findings inform future festival projects? (300 words maximum or 2-minute audio limit)

Festival Budget

Grant Amount Requested

Enter the grant amount you are requesting. Applicants may request between $1,000 and $5,000.

Budget Form

All applicants must submit a complete project budget using the form embedded in the application.

Budget Narrative

Please use this space to describe the festival budget, including eligible fees, any anticipated income, and any substantial in-kind support. This is your opportunity to bring your festival budget to life, as if you were explaining it to the grant review panel. You may also use this Budget Narrative section to explain how you have arrived at certain itemized dollar amounts. (300 words maximum) See FAQ for additional details.

Your organization’s application materials will be reviewed by an independent panel according to the following criteria. Please note: need is not a criterion. Application merit is based upon strength of response in relation to the review criteria.

Quality Arts and Culture Programming

Does the application clearly describe the festival’s arts and culture programming and the artist/culture bearers who will be engaged? Does the application make a compelling case for what it hopes to make available to festival participants and attendees and how? Does the application outline in detail the structure and timeline of the festival’s programming/activities?

Community Benefit

Does the application define the communities the festival hopes to directly serve, interact, and engage with? Does the application clearly outline how this will happen? Does the application thoughtfully address access and participation for people of all abilities?


Does the application demonstrate substantial evidence that the festival activities will be realized within the funding period? Does the proposed budget appropriately reflect the scope of work described in the application? Does the application clearly explain how project activities will be produced and delivered?

All applications are subject to a public review process. First, Arts Commission staff review each application for completeness and eligibility. Applications that are incomplete or submitted after the due date are considered ineligible for panel review and funding. Eligible applications are then evaluated by independent review panels made up of individuals from communities throughout the state who work in or adjacent to the arts. They evaluate each application on its own merits and solely on the basis of the published evaluation criteria.

Panelists first review applications individually. They then meet as a body to discuss the applications and finalize assessment as a group. This meeting is open to the public and while applicants are not permitted to participate in the discussion, they are encouraged to attend or listen-in online. Applicants being reviewed will be notified when panel dates are set. At the conclusion of their deliberations, the panel submits their funding recommendations to the Arts Commission’s Governor-appointed board of commissioners for approval

This program does not fund the following:

  • Applicants that received Arts Commission funding in fiscal year 2024, but failed to file a final report by Monday, September 16, 2024.
  • Entities submitting an application for an FY2024 Creative Capacity Grant, Youth Arts Engagement Grant, or Lifelong Arts Engagement Grant (see FAQ for more information).
  • Applications submitted by businesses and for-profit organizations. School districts that would otherwise be eligible for Arts Learning grants.
  • An organization’s season or seasonal series of presented work.
  • Projects involving construction of facilities.
  • Debt reduction.
  • Food and beverages for receptions and hospitality functions.
  • Fundraising projects.
  • Scholarships, pageants, competition prizes, or standalone award ceremonies.
  • Producing organizations to tour or present themselves.
  • Conferences, symposiums and the like.
  • Religious institution-led or religious group-sponsored projects not open to participation by non-congregants.
  • Religious institution-led or religious group- sponsored projects whose primary purpose is the religious socialization of individuals, or which exist as parts of religious sermons or services.
  • Equipment/capital expenditures.
  • Lobbying expenses.
  • College or university-sponsored projects not open to participation by the community outside the university setting.
  • Staff or board member salaries of the applicant organization.
  • Re-granting.
  • Indirect costs.
  • Grant administration, overhead or processing fees taken by an umbrella/parent organization as a percentage of the total award, with the exception of fiscal sponsors.
  • Any costs other than eligible fees.

This list is not comprehensive.

Additionally, according to the Arts Commission’s enabling statutes, “Notwithstanding any other law, no monies from the Arizona Commission on the Arts may be spent for payment to any person or entity for use in desecrating, casting contempt on, mutilating, defacing, defiling, burning, trampling, or otherwise dishonoring or causing to bring dishonor on religious objects, the flag of the United States or the flag of this state.” Recipients of    Arts Commission support are further instructed to “take into consideration general standards of decency and respect for the diverse beliefs and values of the American public” within funded programs.

  1. How can I be sure that my project is eligible for this program?
    If you have reviewed the eligibility criteria listed earlier in this guidelines document and are still unsure if your festival is an appropriate fit for this program, we recommend that you reach out to the program manager to determine if your project is a good fit for the Festival Grant program. Arts Commission staff will provide consultation to determine if your proposed festival activities warrant submitting an application.
  2. My organization is eligible for other Arts Commission grants. Can I apply to those too?
    No. Across grant programs, the Arts Commission limits the number of applications that may be submitted by a given organization or unit of government to one (1) application per funding period (July 1 – June 30 of the following year). While an organization or unit of government may be eligible for more than one grant program, they may only apply for one of them in a given funding period. As an example, an applicant who applies to the Festivals Grant program in Fiscal Year 2024 may not apply for the Creative Capacity Grant program or a Youth Arts Engagement Grant that same year.
  3. What is meant by “a thematic emphasis on arts and culture” regarding programming?
    While eligible applicant organizations may not have an expressly arts and culture-focused mission, eligible festival projects must include arts and culture programming as part of the festival’s main goals and objectives. Arts and culture programming must be centrally featured as part of your festival’s activities and should not be peripheral add-ons to the festival’s main emphasis.
  4. What is meant by “In addition to ADA compliance” in the fourth narrative question?
    Applicants are encouraged to consider how their festival activities and venue create accessible programming beyond baseline needs related to physical mobility. How are intellectual, physical, sensory, and neurodivergent/cognitive needs being addressed for attendees of all ability levels and how is this reflected in your festival’s structure? How are interpretation, captioning, and/or visual aid resources being provided? Accessibility considerations may also include bilingual/translation services for printed materials, emergency preparedness plans, tactile resources, and proper disability access symbols included in your festival’s marketing and publicity.
  5. My festival utilizes a lot of in-kind volunteer support. How should I reflect this in our budget?
    The Arts Commission recognizes the significant role of volunteers at festival events. While you are not asked to itemize the dollar value of in-kind support in your budget, you are encouraged to discuss in your Budget Narrative how any substantial in-kind volunteer support helps offset other expenses and contributes to the overall viability of your festival. There are a variety of estimations regarding the dollar value of a volunteer work hour, and the Arts Commission suggests a range of $20.00 to $30.00 per hour based on your festival’s need for personnel and the scope of volunteer work. Please contact Arts Commission staff if you would like to further discuss how to account for in-kind support.
  6. My festival isn’t taking place until late in the funding period and we are still in a planning phase. Can we still apply for a Festival Grant?
    Yes. If you are still in a planning phase for your festival activities and do not have certain specific details finalized at the time you are submitting your application, we advise that you offer insight as to how you are making your decisions, what your options may be for a particular unknown, and what your desired outcome(s) may be for items still in development. Offering a high level of detail surrounding your organization’s planning and decision-making will at least help a panel understand how your festival will likely come into existence even if certain logistics and details are still in development.

Applicant Resources

Leading up to the application due date, the Arizona Commission on the Arts will present a webinar-style information session to help prospective applicants in preparing competitive applications.

Friday, March 8, 2024
10:00 am – 11:00 am

How do I register on behalf of an organization?

  1. Go to
  2. Click the “Register” button at the upper-right corner of the window. (If you are using a mobile device, tap the “Sign Up” button.)
  3. Choose the option to “Register as an Organization”
  4. Enter your name, email address, and a password. (The person who registers the organization in SMApply becomes the organization’s first “member” and the administrator of the organization’s account. Additional members may be added later and/or made an account administrator.)
  5. Click/tap the “Create Account” button
  6. Enter the requested information about your Organization, such as the organization’s name, mailing address, and general contact information.

Video Walkthrough

How do I add members to my Organization?

Once you have created your organization you can add additional members to assist with applications and account maintenance.

  1. Go to
  2. Login as an organization administrator
  3. Click “Manage Organization” in the top right corner
  4. Click “Members”
  5. Click the “Add Member” button
  6. Enter the First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the member
  7. Select whether the member will have Administrative or Non-Administrative Access
  8. Click the box to “Notify member by email” (This is useful if the user does not already have an account in the system as they will receive an invitation email and be able to create a password to log in.)
  9. Click “Add”

For instructions on adding members in bulk, click here.

How do I update my Organization’s Profile?

  1. Go to
  2. Login as an organization administrator
  3. Click on “Manage Organization” in the top right corner
  4. Click “Profile”
  5. Update your profile information
  6. Click “Save”

Additional Guides

SurveyMonkey Apply provides a comprehensive FAQ for applicants; in addition to the “how tos” above you can find more information and resources on accounts, completing an application, and managing your organization at