In 2015, the Arizona Commission on the Arts awarded designer and illustrator Alex! Jimenez an Artist Research and Development Grant in support of her project Abecedario de Sur, a geographical alphabet book designed to function as a geographic and cultural tour through two important corridors in Tucson: South Sixth Avenue and South Twelfth Avenue. Abecedario del Sur highlights these streets’ unique typography and historical narratives as relayed by resident business owners, many of which are the Mexican families that have operated on these streets for generations.

Recently, we spoke with Jimenez about the project:

Prints from Abecedario del Sur will be shown and available for purchase at Land Tracings, an exhibition presented June 3 – 18,2016, by the Arizona Commission on the Arts at Chartreuse in downtown Phoenix.

Click here to learn more about Jimenez and Abecedario de Sur.